How Hollenbeck Pest Control Has Thrived with FieldRoutes


The journey of James Hollenbeck from being a police officer in New York City to co-owning a successful pest control company in New Windsor, NY, alongside Jennifer Concepcion, is a testament to resilience, adaptation, and strategic decision-making.


From Policing to Pest Control

James Hollenbeck’s background is diverse—having grown up in a family roofing business and later working in pest control before becoming a police officer. Hollenbeck met Concepcion at the New York City Police Academy, where they both embarked on their careers. However, the reality of living on a police officer's salary and the grueling 65-mile commute from New Windsor to New York City made Hollenbeck reconsider his career path.

Faced with financial challenges, Hollenbeck returned to his roots in pest control. He worked as a technician by day while serving as a police officer at night. This dual role allowed him to make ends meet and gradually grow his pest control business. Concepcion, who had left the police academy to pursue further education and work as a unit clerk in a hospital, joined Hollenbeck in managing the financial aspects of their growing company.

The Evolution of Hollenbeck Pest Control

The early days of Hollenbeck Pest Control, which was established in 2008, were marked by challenges. Balancing business responsibilities while raising a family was demanding. However, the company steadily grew, with Hollenbeck and Concepcion's commitment and hard work paying off.

A new chapter in the business’ history came in October 2021 when they decided to switch their software provider to FieldRoutes. This decision was a game-changer for Hollenbeck Pest Control, providing them with advanced functionalities that significantly improved their business operations.

The Impact of FieldRoutes

FieldRoutes has been instrumental in transforming Hollenbeck Pest Control. The software's advanced features have not only increased efficiency but also allowed the couple to enjoy more personal time, a luxury they hadn't experienced in 16 years. "We went on vacation," Hollenbeck notes, highlighting a significant lifestyle improvement.

FieldRoutes has brought several key benefits that have helped Hollenbeck Pest Control and its customers:

  • Intelligent Routing and Scheduling: FieldRoutes allows Hollenbeck Pest Control to set up regions, use visual grouping, and apply intelligent routing. This keeps their technicians nearby, boosts production, and reduces travel costs, resulting in faster service for customers.

  • Enhanced Customer Communications: With real-time communication capabilities, FieldRoutes lets technicians upload videos and images to Hollenbeck’s customer accounts. This improves transparency and satisfaction by keeping customers informed and involved in the service process.

  • FieldRoutes Mobile App: The app provides real-time updates and easy navigation, allowing their pest control technicians to quickly notify customers of their arrival and make prompt updates. This enhances customer experience by ensuring timely and efficient service.

  • Comprehensive Reporting: FieldRoutes offers detailed reports on various business aspects, helping Hollenbeck Pest Control improve marketing, customer retention, and overall strategy. This means customers receive more targeted and reliable services, enhancing their overall satisfaction.

Scaling the Business and Achieving Goals

Since implementing FieldRoutes, Hollenbeck Pest Control has seen a 25% increase in revenue and a 12% reduction in travel costs. These metrics underscore the significant impact of the software on their operational efficiency and profitability.

Concepcion’s thorough research before switching to FieldRoutes involved evaluating ten different software programs. Her dedication ensured they chose the best platform to support their business goals.

Everything is in real time, and changes that are made are done quickly. So the communication also keeps everything on point, not only for us, but as well for the customer.
— Jennifer Concepcion, Owner

See the full Pest Control Case Study

Continued Growth and Success

The transition to FieldRoutes has been smooth, thanks to the supportive reps who facilitated the integration process. This seamless switch has empowered Hollenbeck Pest Control to continue scaling their business, improving customer service, and achieving new milestones.

When asked why other pest control companies should consider FieldRoutes, Concepcion emphasizes the software's ability to provide detailed business insights and support scalability. "FieldRoutes would definitely help them not only to scale but allow them to use more programs and be more savvy and knowledgeable. It was the best decision we could have ever made," she concludes.

It’s very easy to find directions. It’s very easy to make updates. It’s very easy to notify customers you’re on the way.
— James Hollenbeck, Owner


James Hollenbeck and Jennifer Concepcion’s journey from police officers to successful pest control business owners is inspiring. Their strategic decision to adopt FieldRoutes has played a pivotal role in their success, enabling them to enhance efficiency, boost revenue, and improve their quality of life. Hollenbeck Pest Control stands as a testament to the power of resilience, adaptation, and the right technological tools in achieving business excellence.